Aug 12Liked by ILAN LAMPL

Interesting reading, as usual. It will be great if you could ask every one and each of your colleagues and yourself, why they stay or why they quitted... the variety of answers can be so huge, one could be surprise. Many times is not quitting, fear or lack of reliance, it is just change of path. Often it requires the same self reliance to stay in a path as it takes to change path. Looking forward to your next post

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Thank you Maria! I would love to do that, it may take a while though haha. You’re right, quitting one thing doesn’t necessarily mean failure in any negative sense. I suppose it’s adversity that allows us to develop greater reliance on ourself, no matter what path. Thanks for your input and the kind words 💫

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This is so good! Unless we take action, nothing can happen.

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So true! The hardest step is always the first. Thank you Arathy

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Needed to hear these messages. Thank you for writing and sharing 🙏🏿

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Thank u Lloyd! Appreciate you

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Aug 11Liked by ILAN LAMPL

It’s a hard truth to accept that in fact, unless you want it no one will do it/want it for you. I find myself learning about self-reliance now, but it’s such a complicated journey.

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It’s definitely not easy, and I’m not going to pretend I’m a pro by any means, but I think it starts by simply listening and becoming more aware. Like having a convo with yourself in the mirror during a time when you have to get it together, can actually help to make you feel supported by yourself. It is as you said definitely a journey, but I know you can do it 💫🤍

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"Can you imagine the fear of working your entire life, I mean multiple decades— for the opportunity to perform your art once in front of the entire world?" -- I've been thinking a lot about that. Let's say I was only able to create 50 creative works in my lifetime. How would this change my perspective and the output? Would I be too scared to publish? Would I just get all 50 out there and create in obscurity for the rest of my life?

I don't have an answer, just stopping to share my appreciation for the article :)

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Great thoughts and ones I also find myself thinking about a lot. It’s hard to say what is worth more, a few great pieces of work, or many which illicit new thoughts. When an artist dies I find people look at their entire collection of works as their life’s work, rather than focussing on only one piece they did. There is a throughline in the work they do. Either way, I suppose it’s more about focusing on what works for you. Your writing is particularly dense in quality and life so as long as you keep making we’ll keep reading with enjoyment :)

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