Well I may have a unique perspective as I am dying of a degenerative brain disease, one that robs my psyche with chronic never ending pain, the other that is robbing my brain slowly of my intellectual capacity which used to be formidable. I started to paint watercolour a year ago to have something creative ( I used to be a marketing executive) as that’s what fed my soul, funny, my email I made for it was dying2paint@gmail.com . I found that when I painted, it helped me with pain so much as I would loose myself in the process. As for the art of dying, it can be sublime at times, not very much to worry about when you finally accept it, so I use that wonder-filled time to paint whatever and however the fuck I want, let them be judged after I die.

I also use the darker times to paint and as expected it creates a very difficult and different experience in the painting.

I only wish I had started painting years ago, but I was too busy with the art of living, that I missed the point.

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Wow, thank you for sharing this Lauren. I'm deeply touched by your story and love your outlook on creating however you want to, that's the most powerful place to create from. It's so important to carve out moments to work on the things which fuel our spirit, 'feed our soul' as you put it, as I feel that those are the things that allow us to transcend a part of us into the work itself. Really appreciate you for sharing this and much love, Ilan

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Jul 7Liked by ILAN LAMPL

Maybe I have a fever, or maybe not, but I felt a sense of elevation while reading your article. An out of body experience, seeing myself reading, as I consumed your words. I love the topics you touch on each week and the delicacy of your words. xx

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Wow! I hope it was the words and not the fever itself haha, thank you for the kind comment and I’m glad this resonated with you 🫂🙏🏼

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Jul 7Liked by ILAN LAMPL

Fantastic reflections! Thanks Ilan! Always inspiring!

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Thank you, Maria! I'm glad you enjoyed it. Much love <3

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