You have a fantastic literary voice and this was a pleasure to read and digest. I love this style and your approach.

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thank you for the kind words Anna, honestly means a lot :)

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Jul 23Liked by ILAN LAMPL

I think all these post together will make an amazing book

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I love that idea, or maybe even something completely new. But seeing my writing in physical print is a big goal of mine — one day! 🤞🏼

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Jul 21Liked by ILAN LAMPL

I really like the way you interweave autobiography with fiction storytelling to get substance - auto-fiction! The result is brilliant!🙂

Also, this auto-fiction reaffirms that sometimes, our encounter with the truth about ourselves passes through our authentic encounter with others...

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Diana, I really appreciate the kind words. Absolutely! As a young teen I used to find myself posturing, replying to someone I admired with something I believed they wanted to hear, and the result was a cloaking of my authentic self. It's a dangerous game because you can end up losing yourself in it, and as Saul Bellow says 'die a stranger to yourself.' Having authentic encounters with people is one of the most endearing and 'cup-filling' experiences you can have, it makes me happy to be human. Thanks for the comment and your support in the recent posts <3

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Jul 21Liked by ILAN LAMPL

I really like this, it is great to read something that feels like the author was taking a risk, or challenging himself. Keep exploring! Xx

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Thank you, Puchi! it was a fun challenge to develop further the writing of one of my favourite authors. I used to resent imitation in art, but when developing a new skill imitation is very much a key part of the process, so I figured why not embrace it to accelerate my learning and have some fun with writing that already stirs me :) Xx

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I love that you took this initiative on here, the notion itself is original, even though the content may not be totally your own. Your prose is beautiful brother..

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Thank you bro! It seemed like a deeper way to interact with works I love, by altering or developing them further. Appreciate you 🙏🏼

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